Customer Reviews

Based on 40 reviews
Brad Lesch


Emery Windler

This is one of those things every household should have within reach! Familiarize yourself with it, your future will be grateful!

Larissa Prosacco

Mandatory item in every house! !! high quality and good. Comes with 2 masks for adults and children. I tried it and it's simple

Davion Brakus

Perfect product and fast delivery i will give you for this 5 stars ⭐️ And please give me feedback too thank you so much 🙏

Olaf Brekke

I received fast. Looks good.

Our Stories

Ashley’s voice trembled as she told her story…

"About a month ago, my sweet 9-year-old daughter was eating grapes when she came running toward me, red in the face and looking panicked. My heart skipped at least five beats, and I immediately panicked and called 911. They told me to stay calm and that help was on the way, but I couldn’t sit still while watching my whole world slowly turn purple. She was so scared.

I had lost all hope but then remembered I had bought a ChokeFree 2.0. I sprinted to my supply closet, ripped the device out of the packaging, and, even though I had never opened it before, the design was so intuitive that I was able to quickly place it on my daughter’s mouth. After just a few pulls, the grape was out. We were both in shock, barely noticing the first responders barging in after 12 minutes.

If I hadn’t used the device, my daughter’s chance of survival would have been slim to none, and if she had survived, she would have likely been permanently brain dead. I’m so grateful to the folks behind the ChokeFree 2.0, which is why I agreed to share this testimonial."


Michael’s hands were shaking as he recalled the moment…

"My 4-year-old son, Jake, was happily munching on some popcorn while we watched his favorite cartoon. Out of nowhere, he started gasping for air, his tiny hands clutching his throat. My heart dropped. I tried slapping his back, but nothing was working. His face was turning a terrifying shade of blue.

In sheer panic, I grabbed the ChokeFree 2.0 that I had bought months ago, hoping I’d never have to use it. My hands fumbled, but the design was so simple that I placed it over his mouth and pulled. The popcorn shot out on the first try.

By the time the paramedics arrived, Jake was breathing normally again—laughing even, as if nothing had happened. I, on the other hand, was still shaking. I don’t even want to think about what could have happened without this device. It saved my son’s life. Thank you."


Margaret wiped a tear as she shared her experience…

"It happened so fast. My 3-year-old grandson, Liam, was sitting in his high chair, eating his lunch when he suddenly froze. His eyes widened with fear, and he started making a strange, muffled sound. Then—silence. That was the scariest part.

I leaped to my feet and tried everything I could, but I’m not as strong as I used to be. The Heimlich just wasn’t working. Then I remembered my daughter had left a ChokeFree 2.0 in our kitchen drawer ‘just in case.’ I grabbed it, placed it over Liam’s mouth, and pulled.

In seconds, the piece of food flew out. He took a deep breath, then burst into tears—and so did I. I am forever grateful for this little device. If you have little ones in your life, please get one. You never know when you might need it."


James’s hands trembled as he recalled the night…

"I was hosting a small dinner party when my best friend, Mark, suddenly went silent. His face turned red, then purple. He grabbed his throat, eyes wide with panic. Someone yelled, ‘He’s choking!’ and the whole room froze.

I rushed behind him and tried the Heimlich, but he’s a big guy, and I couldn’t get enough force. Someone was calling 911, but we all knew time was running out. Then I remembered I had bought a ChokeFree 2.0 months ago. I ran to the kitchen, ripped it out of the box, and used it on Mark.

The chunk of steak flew out on the second pull. He gasped, took a deep breath, and we all just stood there in shock. That night could have ended in tragedy. Instead, Mark is still here, and we both make sure to keep a ChokeFree 2.0 nearby at all times."


Karen still gets chills thinking about what could have happened…

"I live alone, and I’ve always worried about what would happen if I choked with no one around to help. Well, a few weeks ago, that fear became reality.

I was eating a piece of bread when a chunk got lodged in my throat. I tried coughing, drinking water, even throwing myself against the back of a chair—nothing worked. I was running out of air, and I truly thought, ‘This is it.’

Then I remembered the ChokeFree 2.0 my daughter had insisted I keep in my kitchen. I scrambled to grab it, barely able to see straight. Somehow, I managed to get it in place and pull. On the second try, the bread shot out, and I collapsed onto the floor, gasping for air.

I don’t even want to think about what would have happened if I didn’t have that device. If you live alone, do yourself a favor—get one."